Sarbjit is a 2016 Bollywood biographical drama film directed by Omung Kumar. The film features Randeep Hooda as Sarabjit Singh, an Indian man who was sentenced to death by the Supreme Court of Pakistan in 1991 and who consequently spent 22 years in prison for alleged terrorism and spying.[4] Aishwarya Rai Bachchan portrays the narrative role of Sarabjit's sister, Dalbir Kaur, while Richa Chadda and Darshan Kumar play supporting roles.[5][6][7][8]
Made on a production budget of ₹15 crore and marketed at ₹8 crore,[1] Sarbjitpremiered at the 69th Cannes Film Festival[9] and was released on 20 May 2016 to mixed reactions from critics.[10][11] The film turned out to be a profitable venture at box-office by grossing about ₹43.88 crore worldwide after its two-week run.[12][13][14]
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