Tera Mera Ki Rishta is a Punjabi film, starring Jimmy Shergill and Kulraj Randhawa in the main lead. Rest of the cast includes Anupam Kher, Raj Babbar, Archana Puran Singh, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Binnu Dhillon, Rana Ranbir, Balkaran Brar, Tee Jay Sidhu, Dolly Minhas and Akshita. The Movie was released worldwide on 10 April 2009 and had earned $108,741 in first two weeks.[1] The movie was shot by Spice Cine Vision Studios and was distributed by Eros International. The movie was stated to be the costliest Punjabi movie ever made and was the first Punjabi movie to be shot in Switzerland.[2] Tera Mera Ki Rishta was also the first Punjabi Movie to be promoted online by www.punjabiportal.comand an official movie launch center websitewas also introduced.[3] This movie is the remake of super hit Telugu movie Nuvvostanante Nenoddantana
Tera Mera Ki Rishta
Tera Mera Ki Rishta is a Punjabi film, starring Jimmy Shergill and Kulraj Randhawa in the main lead. Rest of the cast includes Anupam Kher, Raj Babbar, Archana Puran Singh, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Binnu Dhillon, Rana Ranbir, Balkaran Brar, Tee Jay Sidhu, Dolly Minhas and Akshita. The Movie was released worldwide on 10 April 2009 and had earned $108,741 in first two weeks.[1] The movie was shot by Spice Cine Vision Studios and was distributed by Eros International. The movie was stated to be the costliest Punjabi movie ever made and was the first Punjabi movie to be shot in Switzerland.[2] Tera Mera Ki Rishta was also the first Punjabi Movie to be promoted online by www.punjabiportal.comand an official movie launch center websitewas also introduced.[3] This movie is the remake of super hit Telugu movie Nuvvostanante Nenoddantana
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